Dog Fouling

Published: 20 June 2022

In recent months there has been a very noticeable increase in dog fouling in Bainton and Ashton. This is particularly affecting the verges that are used as footways: – on Ufford Road in front of the houses; all along the verge beside Ufford Road alongside the Washdyke and Sheepwash which is used as a footway between the village and the public footpath into the nature conservation area; on Bainton Green Road verges between Bainton and Ashton and on the Pinfold within 20 feet of the Dog Poo bin! This is extremely unpleasant for other people walking in these places, for those living alongside and for the Parish Council’s grass cutting contractor. All these locations are close to roads where the dogs would be on leads. Bags of dog poo are also being left in these places. Please bag up your dog’s faeces as soon as it has been deposited and take the bag home to dispose of in your refuse bin or place the poo bag in the Dog Poo Bin on the Pinfold in Bainton (this is the green space on the eastern/ Helpston side of the church). Thank you to all who diligently clear up after their dogs. To those who don’t, please make clearing up after your dog part of your dog walking routine.